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A few days ago, I received an email from WordPress to reset my password. I decided that although it had been a while since I tended to this blog, I should probably log in and check things out.

It’s been… almost two years since I lasted posted. Nothing but crickets around here.

It’s not that life has becoming boring, uneventful, or uninspiring. It’s not that T1D has somehow become an easygoing companion. It’s still a PITA from time to time. Highs that won’t budge, lows that won’t boost, pump failures, hormone havoc, uncharged meters, insulin accidentally left out in the hot car, treatment kits forgotten at home, treatment kits misplaced at school, too-warm juice boxes, absent shipments of glucose tablets, mini-gluc doses, overnight monitoring, changing endocrinologists. All of the T1D drama still happens–after all, it is still a life-threatening condition. Some things will never change.

But. We deal with it better. Not experts, but specialists in our brand of T1D. We are more effective problem solvers and better at predicting (and sometimes avoiding) snafus. We know our weaknesses and our strengths, and we use our resources accordingly. We keep an eye on the research and technology developments, and engage in quiet advocacy. Otherwise, for now, we live a reasonably quiet life where diabetes is concerned.

And, truth be told, our lives have unfolded other challenges that have pushed T1D to the way-back. Oh, the things that have happened over the past two years… I joke now that if diabetes was all we had to cope with, life would be pretty simple by comparison. I’m grateful that we’ve hit a cruising speed with T1D–this allows us to focus our attention, energy, growth and healing elsewhere.

Wherever you are on your T1D journey, I wish you strength, courage, and opportunities for gratitude.





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